The bowstring, like that of the lyre, exerts a pull on the wood, which itself receives each string and tightens it. It is this double pull in both directions that enables the beauty of sound when the beauty of sound says nothing other than the precision of death from the arrow that shoots towards the prey. Pascal Quignard Extract from Mourrir de penser - Chapter XIV - Le boomerang (Grasset - 2014) Its name is a play on words with "any (…)
Tout Corps d’Etat
guitar solo by
Jean-Sébastien Mariage -
Claire Bergerault
Jean-Sébastien MariageClaire Bergerault : voice, accordion Jean-Sébastien Mariage : electric guitar The fear that nothing will create tension will be the breeding ground for events. It is then that a tiny detail emerges, as if by an accident on a route that is nevertheless straight but tense. It will be the triggering of a fall, of vertigo, in which we will have no choice but to immerse ourselves. This dust of variation will then become immense, and will (…)
Jean-Sébastien Mariage : électric guitar and loopers Frédérick Galiay : composition, electroacoustic traks and diffusion This piece was recorded at the GRM in June 2021, it is being mixed. Statement of intent : MORPHÈME # 1 is a piece by Frederick Galiay for electric guitar and electroacoustic diffusion, performed by Jean-Sébastien Mariage. The composition is envisioned as an excessive zoom of a hyper-slowed transient: a microscopic (…)
Jean-Sébastien Mariage : electric guitar Benjamin Duboc : doublebass Yuko Oshima : drums Wakatta is a trio initiated by Jean-Sébastien Mariage (electric guitar) for which he surrounds himself with Yuko Oshima (drums) and Benjamin Duboc (double bass). The aesthetic takes as its starting point the New York jazz of the end of the last century and brings it to the musical challenges of today. Dynamic, simple and repetitive themes are (…)
Catherine Jauniaux : voice, objects Xavier Charles : clarinet Jean-Sébastien Mariage : guitar Three musicians meet around a book by Marguerite Duras. Three characters, invented, inspire music, pulsation, harmony ... through their silhouettes, their relationships, their movements, the space in which they find themselves, between the sea, them, and an idea of civilization. A triangular partition which is formed, deformed and reformed, (…)
Gwennaëlle Roulleau : live electronics Jean-Sébastien Mariage : electric guitar Presentation of the project On a proposal by Gwennaëlle attached to the vibratory dimension that governs the living and inspired by Les Furtifs by Alain Damasio, the duo proposes a dialogue between environments of sensations and emergences. The two musicians gravitate around the axis of improvisation / composition in real time. The research takes as its (…)