7 septembre 2024
Gaudeamus - Utrecht - Nederlands
Genevieve Murphy
Christian Marclay

35 musicians with backgrounds in improvised music, contemporary classical music, jazz and experimental music. That’s the French orchestra ONCEIM, or Orchestra of New Creations, Experiments and Improvised Music. During Gaudeamus Festival they will present two performances they developed with equally versatile composers. An electroacoustic piece based on samples of the orchestra itself by composer/turntablist/visual artist Christian Marclay, who has previously worked with John Zorn and Sonic Youth, among others. And a performance about finding individuality within a group, by composer/theatre-maker/musician Genevieve Murphy.


Christian Marclay - Constellation

Genevieve Murphy - Together We Feel And Alone We Experience

Constellation was commissioned by Onceim ; and co-produced by Musica, the Rainy Days Festival and supported by the Nicati de Luz Foundation, Impuls Neue Musik and ADAMI.

Together We Feel And Alone We Experience was commissioned by Onceim and Gaudeamus, financially supported by Performing Arts Fund NL ; and co-produced by Musica, the Rainy Days festival and supported by Impuls Neue Musik and ADAMI.


Juliette Adam, Jean Dousteyssier, Isabelle Duthoit - clarinet

Bertrand Denzler, Benjamin Dousteyssier, Carmen Lefrançois, Stéphane Rives - saxophone

Franz Hautzinger, Christian Pruvost - trumpet

Fabrice Charles, Alexis Persigan - trombone

Jean Daufresne, Vianney Desplantes - euphonium

Patricia Bosshard, Clara Levy - violin

Élodie Gaudet, Julia Robert - viola

Martine Altenburger, Anaïs Moreau - cello

Sébastien Beliah, Benjamin Duboc, Frédéric Marty - double bass

Julien Loutelier, Antonin Gerbal - percussion

Giani Caserotto, Jean-Sébastien Mariage - guitar

Pierre Cussac - accordion

Alvise Sinivia - piano

Diemo Schwarz - electronics

Frédéric Blondy - direction

L’Onceim is supported by the Ministère de lCulture / DRAC Île-de-France and Sacem.

Voir en ligne : Gaudeamus