Deux nouveaux disques !!
Hubbub + ONCEIM

Le label new-yorkais Relative Pitch Records publie les disques de Hubbub et de l’ONCEIM.

Hubbub - abb abb abb

At the crossroad of different worlds, Hubbub comprises five musicians with activities in various fields. Together, they work on the sound matter to create a moving electro-acoustic space inhabited by layers, distensions, imbrications, pulsations, dots and lines. Thanks to the longevity of the group, Hubbub has developed its own universe, which is more than just the sum of its parts. crédits

Paraît le 2 août 2024

Frédéric Blondy - piano

Bertrand Denzler - tenor saxophone

Jean-Luc Guionnet - alto saxophone

Jean-Sébastien Mariage - electric guitar

Edward Perraud - percussion

Recorded by Baptiste Chouquet at Eglise Saint-Merry, Paris, on August 5, 2019

Mixed and mastered by Pierre Etchandy

Cover art by Jean-Luc Guionnet (front) and Edward Perraud (back)

Graphic design by sPl@T !

ONCEIM - Laminaire

ONCEIM (Orchestre de Nouvelles Créations, Expérimentations et Improvisations Musicales) is a French new music ensemble, established in 2012 by pianist Frédéric Blondy, and comprising over 30 European improvisers and members of prominent jazz, free jazz, free improv and contemporary classical groups. Through the in-depth exploration of improvisational practices, the Onceim musicians have developed a rich and unique panel of know-how. It’s as if each musician were one tool within a toolbox, all at the service of the project being undertaken. Without necessarily knowing where we are going, we go, we meet each other, we overlap, we manufacture, we shape, we listen, we listen to each other and we produce, together. The potential for serendipity is also ever-present and we aim to seize it and extract all its radiance. These discoveries only go to enrich the Onceim sound and sensory palette. crédits

Paraît le 2 août 2024


Orchestre de Nouvelles Créations, Expérimentations et Improvisations Musicales

Artistic Director - Frédéric Blondy

Violin - Patricia Bosshard, Prune Bécheau

Viola - Cyprien Busolini, Elodie Gaudet, Julia Robert

Cello - Félicie Bazelaire, Anaïs Moreau, Deborah Walker

Double bass - Sébastien Beliah, Benjamin Duboc, Frédéric Marty

Guitar - Giani Caserotto, Jean-Sébastien Mariage

Clarinet - Xavier Charles, Jean Dousteyssier, Jean-Brice Godet, Joris Rühl

Saxophone - Pierre-Antoine Badaroux, Bertrand Denzler, Benjamin Dousteyssier, Stéphane Rives

Trumpet - Louis Laurain, Franz Hautzinger

Trombone - Alexis Persigan

Saxhorn - Jean Daufresne, Vianney Desplantes

Piano - Alvise Sinivia

Accordion - Pierre Cussac

Drums and percussion - Rémi Durupt, Antonin Gerbal, Julien Loutelier

Electronics - Arnaud Rivière, Diemo Schwarz

Track 1, recorded live by Stéphane Rives and Frédéric Blondy at Eglise Saint-Merry, Paris, on October 29, 2020

Track 2, recorded by Camille Lezer at La Muse en Circuit, Alfortville, on January 17, 2020

Track 3, recorded live by Stéphane Rives and Frédéric Blondy at Eglise Saint-Merry, Paris, on April 27, 2018

Mixed and mastered by Pierre Etchandy

Cover art by Jacques Perconte

Graphic design by sPl@T !